


Utilise an electronically controlled, electric motor to drive the plastic syringe plunger, infusing the syringe contents into the patient. Babuyisela ngempumelelo udokotela noma abahlengikazi ngokulawula isivinini (isilinganiso sokugeleza), ibanga (umthamo obufakiwe) namandla (ukucindezela kokufakwa) okuphoqelekile. The operator must use the correct make and size of syringe, ensure it is properly in place and frequently monitor that it's delivering the expected drug dosage. Syringe drivers administer up to 100ml of drug at flow rates of 0.1 to 100ml/hr.


These pumps are the preferred choice for lower volume and low flow rate infusions. Users should be aware that the flow delivered at the start of an infusion might be considerably less than the set value. Ngezinga eliphansi lokugeleza kwe-backlash (noma i-mechanical slack) kumele ithathwe ngaphambi kokutholwa kwezinga lokugeleza okuqhubekayo. Emaphethelweni aphansi kungaba yisikhathi ngaphambi kokuba kwalethwa noma yiluphi uketshezi esigulini.

Isikhathi sePosi: Jun-08-2024